Pferd, Farewell
A fond farewell and a new foodstuff.
Ninja And Waterfalls
The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people. The purpose of this day trip was to find them.
The Old Capital
My first trip to Kyoto during which I visit some of the more spectacular ancient buildings.
Festive Spirit
Preparations are in place for Christmas, and a day trip to Kyoto approaches.
Japanese Smileys
Even Japanese smileys are different from western ones.
Shichi Go San
A traditional day in Japan where children dress in traditional clothes and do traditional things like eating sweets.
Bonsai Festival
A bonsai festival marks the arrival of spooky music in the park next door.
Drama Queens
In which I get to attend a Kabuki performance for Free 99.
Little World
A little excursion to a little world. Like a small version of Disney’s Epcot, Little World bills itself as an “Anthropological Museum of Man” and is quite fun.
Bike Three
Another day, another bike.
Many Happy Returns
Another happy occasion/cynical cash grabbing opportunity today, as both Hello Kitty and Godzilla reach important milestones.