• 16 . 08 . 06
  • So it’s been three months since my last entry and enough of you have emailed me about it that I’ve finally gotten round to writing something. At first it was because I didn’t have Internet access and was having too much fun to try and find it (it seems there’s hope for me yet!) and […]

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I’m Back And I Have A Virtual Twin

So it’s been three months since my last entry and enough of you have emailed me about it that I’ve finally gotten round to writing something. At first it was because I didn’t have Internet access and was having too much fun to try and find it (it seems there’s hope for me yet!) and then it was because I had a job.

That’s right, I’m working again which is still hard to cope with when I see this post next to the one about Broome where work was the last thing on my mind. I’ll be writing up all the stuff I’ve done in the weeks to come, but the end result is that I’m currently in Brisbane, working as a software engineer doing PHP/PostgreSQL work for a mid-size company in the city. The work’s challenging and the people are cool, so I’m happy. It’s a three month contract for the time being, but I’m giving serious consideration to staying here beyond that.

Actually, the thing that made me start writing again, apart from friendly pressure (c’mon, my life’s not that interesting, surely?) was this. It seems some crazy German guy has taken my ‘About’ page, changed my details for his and put it on his site. I don’t exactly read German, but I definitely recognise that! Do they even have Blind Date in Germany?! I bet they don’t have Cilla Black. I looked around his site and from what I can tell, he’s done it to others as well as part of a “Virtual Real People” project, which is actually kind of cool. My original About page is here so you can see the similarities for yourself, which reminds me, I really need to update that too. It isn’t linked from here for the time being, while I play around with the site design. I was getting bored with the old layout, so I went with Hemmingway for something simple and clean until I can come up with something original myself. Probably never then…

This also means that the old Gallery isn’t there any more – in its place is a brand spanking new one, linked to Flickr, which will make uploading new photos a lot easier than before. It contains quite a few sets of photos that weren’t in the original Gallery and I’ll put all the old ones in everntually too. It mostly works for the time being, though I’m altering the template pages there too at the moment, so that might break as well. Plugins, you can still get from here.

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