The Blind Assassin
Three chapters in and we’re already following three separate narratives in this complex, layered story. Atwood excels at giving each thread a unique voice and the story unfolds into a neat mystery that is resolved successfully.
You Need A Montage
ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick are fantastic tools for manipulating images. Here, I outline the montage sub-command and use it to tile two photos of differing dimensions, so that they can be easily aligned in a column format with other images.
The Great Gatsby
One of the most lyrically beautiful books I’ve read in a long time. Every character, moment and emotion is exquisitely portrayed and replete with descriptive grace-notes that immerse the reader in the period and bring warmth and character to what is a relatively uncomplicated story.
The Crying Of Lot 49
Obtuse, deliberately so, but enthralling. Sentences that demand to be read three times and a thousand oblique references that I missed most of, it comes perilously close to being unreadable, but has a sense of humour that is irrepressible.
Now Reading… More
On my recent joyful rediscovery of reading, a simple and inestimable pleasure that I let alone for too long, and a new bare-bones WordPress plugin I cobbled together tonight to list recently read books.
Choosing To Choose
Self-indulgent nonsense about a very middle-class neurosis, and the difficulty in choosing where to focus my energies.
An Erlang Matrix Module
A simple matrix module written in Erlang, using lists rather than tuples as its main implementation detail, which provides a number of standard matrix operations without the excessive copying and overhead that existing modules exhibit.
And The Water Continues Its Inexorable Ascent
The recent floods have transformed Brisbane. Here I describe the mood on the night of January 12th as we wait for the flood peak to come.
Giving Back: My 2011 Manifesto
Open source projects have immeasurably changed the world and my life for the better. With no formal employment for the bulk of 2011, I pledge to give time and effort to people that need help, and projects that inspire me.