Proving just how easy it is to adapt to foreign cultures, a top 10 list of things that would have been crazy only 1 month ago.
The Japanese approach confrontation in an interesting way. Usually by avoiding it entirely.
On the magical appearance of cable tv in our home, courtesy of Warren.
Media Blackout
Japanese news, perhaps unsurprisingly, is very ethnocentric. I’m left wondering if English news is the same.
Engrish is a loveable quirk here in Japan. I’ve already seen quite a few examples of English gone wrong.
On bowing, which is to say bending at the hips. Nothing to do with violins, ties or boats.
My new roommate Warren arrived yesterday. Just don’t call him Brazillian.
Branding a business is important, but in Japan the key to a good brand is apparently a camp soft pink bird-rabbit thingy.
Cherry Blossom
The blooming of Cherry blossom trees is a great excuse to get drunk and have a party.
Over Training
Finished training. Went into Nagoya. Drinking and karaoke till 7:30am. Sleep needed.
Feet Of Clay
A leaving party for my roommate for the briefest of times, Clay.
Training Day
Teaching English is scary, even when you can speak English and the students can’t.
My arrival in Japan, March 2004.
Nova have finally told me where I will be living in Japan.
Boong-Ga Boong-Ga
In which I discover the strangest video game I have ever seen.
First Post
Every blog needs a first post, and this one is mine.